16 miles off the Caithness coast
Set off towards Helmsdale with glorious sunshine, the wind again straight up the tailpipe, which started off being terrific as the miles counted off, 1, 2, 3.. 7 miles offshore, 18 more to go; then the wind tailed off a little, changed direction by about 15 degrees which left a very sloppy sea with waves coming from two directions, the motion was up and down from the back and corkscrewing from the starboard aft quarter (Back right-hand corner for you landlubbers). A horrible motion that I knew I couldn’t cope with for too long. Although I have gained a set of sea-legs while on this journey, I wasn’t confident that they would stand up for another three hours plus of this motion. What to do? I could either sail off slightly away from my intended destination to give the boat a better motion, then kind of tack downwind to achieve my goal, or maybe I could switch goals to the tiny port of Lybster, 26 miles away, an extra eight miles but in a more comfortable direction, with probably faster sailing. The decision was easy, the course was plotted and the Ruach took off in the new direction towards Lybster. We were flying, almost 7 knots, leaping from wave to wave. I called the harbourmaster to ensure that in these conditions a landing at Lybster would be tenable. No response! It was now up to my skill and judgment to decide to enter or not. Lybster is just a small indentation in the coast, the pilot books state that it is safe for winds from all directions ONCE INSIDE. The entrance is just 9 metres wide with unwelcoming rocks on one side. Two miles off I decided to get most sail off of Ruach. This was going to be interesting as the surf was blowing off the top of most waves. I furled away the jib (front sail), I dropped the mains’l (The big main one). This left me with just the staysail to help counter the bucking bronco the seas were throwing up. Using the engine to control my approach I aimed for the lighthouse, then when almost within touching distance turned to glide into the harbour. The tumult instantly subsided. We had arrived! The fun wasn’t quite over as Lybster harbour is made up of an inner and outer harbour. The outer being further inland than the inner one, so once in the outer harbour a 180 degree turn is required to enter the inner harbour. (If this sounds a little like the rules of cricket take a look at the picture below, simple really).
Lybster Harbour
Louise & Mano's freshly painted house.
The following day I had the privilege to be invited back to the newly painted Inver House for a BBQ tea. Where I met a number of the locals as well as the international guests.
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( Especially the rich ones :-) )
If you came to this blog from the main website www.eventoftheyear.co.uk you will hopefully have had a look around the site and be aware of what I'm up to, both the adventure itself and the fact that I'm aiming to raise awareness of dementia in our society and to raise money for the Alzheimer's charities.
I'm doing this trip for fun and funding the trip myself, but while I'm on this venture you can do your bit to by supporting the Alzheimer's charities through either www.justgiving.com/david-hippey or www.justgiving.com/david-hippey-scotland
Catch you next time.
David H.