Saturday, 7 May 2011

Hey Dad, I'm nearly famous!

  ..... Well the trip is anyway, it made it into the Cornish Crabbers website and newsletter last week - click here for more info . Who knows, maybe it will be on the 'One Show' next if they pick up this story.

It is starting to come together. The work on the hull has been completed and Ruach been transported across from the West Coast to Livingston. Because the repairs took longer than anticipated (Don't they always), I've brought Ruach to my home so that every minute available can be spent on preparation rather than wasted on time spent travelling to and from the boat.

The replacement berth cushions are completed. The thirty three year'ish old originals were found to be so disgusting when I opened up the mouldy damp mess that I could not even use them as templates for the replacements for fear of contaminating the replacement foam with mould spores. So I spent a satisfyingly  happy hour or so sculpting the blue dense foam with a bread knife to fit the profile of the boat; I have to admit that I chickened out of making the cushion covers. We knew we were running out of time so called in the professionals, it was money well spent I say as the cushions are to be my seat and bed for the next three months. I used Newlook Upholstery Services in Cardenden, Fife.

The next job on my list,  in nautical terms, is to tackle the heads. That sounds so much better than saying I need refurbish the loo.  I have the spares kit, I have the tools,  I just need to find the resolve to do it. It's one of those jobs that is oh so easy put off, but is definitely be worth getting done before I set sail. (Three months with crossed legs isn't really an option).

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To date, between both of the charity websites, you have donated over £500. I am so grateful to you for this, you know who you are. Every donation, large or small, makes a difference.On behalf of the charities I thank you.
Please share this site with your friends and family
( Especially the rich ones :-)  )

If you came to this blog from the main website you will hopefully have had a look around the site and be aware of what I'm up to, both the adventure itself and the fact that I'm aiming to raise awareness of dementia in our society and to raise money for the Alzheimer's charities.
I'm doing this trip for fun and funding the trip myself, but while I'm on this venture you can do your bit to by supporting the Alzheimer's charities through either or

Catch you next time.

David H.